Board Meeting Date Change The May 13th Regular Board Meeting has been moved to Monday, May 20th, 2024
ATHLETIC ANNOUNCEMENT Romulus Athletics has partnered with Go Fans as our Digital Ticketing Partner for all Home sporting events.
RCS Presents New 6th Grade Programs Romulus Community Schools provides a dynamic sixth-grade academic program. In this new sixth-grade academic model, students are offered two options to increase academic rigor and student personal success.
Colorguard Recruitment Romulus High School colorguard is currently recruiting 8th through 12th graders to join our team for the fall season.
Romulus Community Schools Closed Friday March 10th We will be closed Friday March 10th, as safety is our priority.The boys basketball league championship against Belleville is still on at 7:00 PM RHS.Fly Eagles, Fly!
Athletic DISTRICTS for Basketball are not cancelled! Hello RCS Family: Tonight, Athletic DISTRICTS for Basketball are not cancelled. All other events for this evening are cancelled due to potential inclement weather.
RCS Closed 2/24/2023 As indicated on some news outlets, RCS will again be closed 2/24/2023 due to numerous power outages affecting the community.